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Soul Mission

Channeling spirit through art to bring connection and healing ~

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About Me


I was not born with the gift of spirit or an enlightened view on life. I didn’t come from a religious or spiritual family. However, I have always been artistic. I was able to get into “the zone” often when I was younger while painting. I never thought anything of it until listening to spiritual teachers talk about how that zone can be compared to states of enlightenment. I was not enlightened but was able to glimpse that state in “the zone” of the painting process or any other highly motivated artistic endeavor.


Always passionate about art, I went to Penn State to earn my bachelor's degree in drawing and painting against my mom’s advice that I wouldn’t be able to get a real job. The reality hit when I graduated, and after many attempts to earn a living with my art, was unsuccessful. I finally listened to my mom’s advice and went back to school for my master’s degree to become an art teacher. I taught art in a public school for 15 years. I learned a lot. I learned how to tame my wilder side and to act professionally. I learned that I was a role model for little kids, so I had better watch what I say in public and on social media. I had learned how to wake up really early to stick to my workout routine and try to have a small amount of me time because the rest of the day would be filled with taking care of the needs of people’s kids followed by taking care of the needs of my own kids after school hours. I learned how to be very organized, how to follow a strict schedule, and that I was not allowed to go to the bathroom when I needed to. I learned how to get a shitload of work done without having any time to do it and to be the ultimate time manager and taskmaster. I learned that teaching is really hard, but that I loved the creativity that lesson planning brought me, and I loved sharing something that I was passionate about. I learned a lot from working with kids. But in the end, it wasn’t for me. I always felt like something was missing.


I had always been interested in visiting psychics. With my first experience, the psychic told me that I would be meeting my husband in a few months, his named would start with an S, and I had met him before. I said, “no way!” No one fits that description. Sure enough, 4 months later I met my husband, Sean, and the rest was history. Yes, I had met him before but didn’t remember. Fast forward 9 years to my next visit with the psychic. I had just lost a pregnancy and was devastated. She told me that the soul I had lost was not ready yet and would be returning. She said I would be pregnant again really soon. She also said that another baby, baby # 4- a boy, would also be coming. I told her I was stopping at 3 and that was that. I had become pregnant with my 3rd daughter 6 weeks after seeing her. When my daughter turned 1, I became pregnant with my son against all odds! She was right, and I was amazed with her and the universe! One last thing she told me- I had her abilities and would be working with spirit too. I was a channel of some sort, and I would be quitting my job as a teacher. I was skeptical.


My son was born in February of 2020, 3 weeks before the world shut down due to COVID. This was a disaster for me. I had to deal with my own mental health, a newborn, my 3 other kids home full-time, homeschooling my then 1st grader with ADHD, no sleep, my now-working-from-home-husband who was not in the best place given the circumstances, no help and COVID. I was pushed to the edge. I got really sick and it was bad.


I decided to call my favorite psychic, and the session with her felt like therapy to me. By connecting with spirit through her I was able to feel at peace about my situation. I knew everything was going to be ok, and I knew that it was time to start connecting with spirit on my own. She told me again that I was psychic, so I bought a few decks of oracle cards and started a meditation practice. Things started to happen right away when I opened the doors to the spirit world. Meditation was extremely powerful and the most important thing on my path to healing my own mental condition. I was able to heal past life wounds that I had been carrying with me for eternity. I was able to heal my chakras and energy field. I took accountability for my own actions through shadow work. I started to look at myself and dig deep into my behavior. I stopped living someone else’s life and started to take control of how I wanted my path to look. I never went back to teaching in a public school again. My heart wasn’t in it. I learned to trust spirit and follow my heart.


My heart led me to classes in astrology. After years of just reading about astrology, I started to practice reading natal charts for friends and clients. I become fascinated with the world outside of our solar system and my galactic heritage. I became certified in galactic astrology. I got certified in shamanism and learned that I was a shaman and an astrologer in lives past. I got certified in meditation, breathwork and became a Practical Reiki Master. I learned that I didn’t know where this path was taking me when I started up, but that was ok. I trusted myself and my heart, followed the signs of what small step to take next, and took it day-by-day. I still don’t know exactly where this path is taking my, but I am finally loving the journey!

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Copyright DLKevolve and Art by Dee Lee

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